It’s Like Buying Pink Shoes
Hi, I’m Barb.
It is often said that third time’s the charm. Personally, I hope so. This is the third time that I’ve started to blog. I’ve been pleased with some of the things that I’ve written and the few friends who looked at the site were OK with it also. Well, I guess they were. Although, we rarely talked about it. Actually, it was even the rarer person who would comment to me, in person, not on the blog, that he or she liked what I wrote. Definitely, my public persona didn’t come out of her cocoon and grow wings. That’s OK, I learned.
This time is different.
My plan is to let you in on this process as I go. I am going to invite you to sit on my shoulder, and please, give me your feedback.
So, back to the beginning. Hi! I’m Barb. This time, I’m writing under my real name. Talk about putting myself out there! I work at a career where I feel very out of place. I have three children and about 18 months ago, I left a very long marriage (I’m sure that will come up). For now, that’s about all the interesting parts.
I’ve decided that this time will be different. That’s why it’s like buying pink shoes. When I was about 12, I remember going to a cute clothing shop to buy a dress for Easter. We found one that both my mom and I liked and on the dress, were wonderful small, pink flowers. She liked it. I liked it. And the sales woman mentioned how cute it would be if it was matched with pink shoes of the same color. Wow! Just thinking about it, I remember how my face lit up. Pink shoes!!! Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Well, we bought the dress, but regardless of how much I dreamed of them, the pink shoes weren’t in my future. I was told that it would look wonderful, but would just be silly as this was my Easter dress and, well, “How often do you wear pink shoes anyway?” So, I wore it with my ankle high socks, and my black patent shoes. It was definitely not the fantasy in my head.
This time, I’m going for the fantasy! It is the holiday season. Christmas Eve is tomorrow. And for the first time in forever, I have spent time and money getting this set up and preparing to put myself out there. It is scary, but it is also very exciting! I can’t wait. This time, I’m going to not only buy those pink shoes, but I’m going to dance in them.
Please join me!