One left shoe
How did I get to be the manager of 150+ people? I seriously did not EVER set out to do this! I wanted to contribute. I wanted to do good work. I wanted to….. what? you want me to be an administrator? Sure…ugh… I guess
I want to be the one who holds the space for good work. I want to hold the space and expectation for everyone to be the best they can be. And in holding that space…we ALL are better!!! Both you, and the group. Do you get it?
Instead of holding the space for the departmental expectation, can’t I be the one who supports you in achieving your dreams? I think that’d be cool!
No? (sigh)
So, as a round about way to approach the subject of, “how cool is this”, it just so happens that I leave for Melbourne (Australia) today. I get to be a part of an international collaborative around initial teacher preparation. …….. HOW COOL IS THAT!?! I am super excited and yet I have been super hesitant to tell anyone. And when I tell them, I down play it.
Looking at this behavior, that is absolutely awful!! I need to own my successes. OWN IT!!
So…. I packed and in doing so, I questioned whether I wanted a pair of shoes or ONE LEFT SHOE? The right foot is still in the air boot.
In most cases I decided on just one shoe. I have a pair of shoes, but only half of the pair will make the trip.
In some ways, it seems to be a metaphor for how I’ve been going through life. Only half way in, only half committed. I think in that way, I could always get back out, retreat to safety. Easier half way than if I was all way.
Well…what can we really accomplish if we are all in? Those left shoes are packed and in that discomfort, I’m moving forward…to own and make the best of it all! It’s a strange feeling and brand new world…and I’m going to rock those left shoes!!
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